C - Cap - Metallized Polypro

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C-Cap Capacitors upgrades PULSE to a whole new level. Made of high purity Metallized polypropylene film with unique technology, it achieves an unparalleled sound quality.

In response to the customer demands, ERSE set out to develop a new type of capacitor with better quality than PULSE X and succeeded in creating the polyethylene capacitance C-CAP. The major difference between the old and new product lies in the European film of supreme quality which is made from extremely pure polyethylene and 99.99% pure aluminum conductor. In the conductor layer, only high purity aluminium is used without any zinc. Heat-treatment methods used over two stages minimizes vibration effect. A type of unique hybrid material is used to make conductor and connected to three separate spraying coating, contributing to the extremely low ESR value and overall improvement in musical sound and performance. The wire being coiled around major diameters results in large surface area and thus connected to conductor perfectly. The wire is manually welded by skilled technicians with audio grade silver welding materials.

Having examined this kind of C-CAP capacitor, many high-end sound engineers have concluded that this type of capacitor delivers high-quality and more beautiful sound, and its price is only half of that of our competitors.

  erseaudio logo Mundorf Jantzen Solen Intertechnik Result
Trade name XQ coils BL140 Perfect Lay Air Coils CU 1.4mm  
Wheeler formula Yes No Yes No No Higher DCR and lower Q factor
Varnish Impregnated Yes Yes Yes No No Varnish impregnated coils offer the lowest possible microfonic distortion
Hysteresis tension devices Yes No No No No Inconsistent winding factor and DCR’s
Precision Orthocyclic tooling matched to .001” Yes No No No No Improved matching of coils. Lower inductive tolerance.
Computerized layer winding Yes No No No No Improved layering and lower DCR.
Purity Guarantee
Click here for details
Yes No No No No Unknown purity and conductivity can result in smeared sound


1% 3% 1% 3% 3% Lower tolerances can assure your coil is closer to the advertised value
1.0mh #14AWG coil DCR CLAIMED 0.208 Ω 0.30 Ω 0.21 Ω NA 0.28 Ω Higher DCRs result in increased power loss and reduced performance.
1.0mh #14AWG coil DCR MEASURED 0.211 Ω 0.306 Ω 0.215 Ω NA 0.293 Ω Higher DCRs result in increased power loss and reduced performance.
  erseaudio logo Mundorf Jantzen Solen Intertechnik Result
Trade name EQ coils L100 Air coils NA CU 1.0mm  
Wheeler formula Yes No No NA No Higher DCR and lower Q factor
Bonded coil Yes Yes
Yes NA No Bonded coils offer lower microphonic distortion
Hysteresis tension devices Yes No No NA No Inconsistent winding factor and DCR’s
Precision Orthocyclic tooling matched to .001” Yes No No NA No Improved matching of coils. Lower inductive tolerance.
Computerized Orthocyclic layer winding Yes No No NA No Improved layering and lower DCR.
Purity Guarantee
Click here for details
Yes No No NA No Unknown purity and conductivity can result in smeared sound


2% 3% 3% NA 3% Lower tolerances can assure your coil is closer to the advertised value
1.0mh #18AWG coil DCR CLAIMED 0.471 Ω 0.49 Ω 0.55 Ω NA 0.60 Ω Higher DCRs result in increased power loss and reduced performance.
1.0mh #18AWG coil DCR MEASURED 0.482 Ω 0.531 Ω 0.572 Ω NA 0.581 Ω Higher DCRs result in increased power loss and reduced performance.